Sunday, September 19, 2010

My observations about the top 20 Radio stations in Germany

At I found and listened to the top 20 radio stations in Germany. I did not listen to them for very long, because that would take a long more time that I have to spare. For the time I did listen though, I found out a few things to make comparisons to American radio stations.

Most of the top radio stations in Germany came from North-Rhine Westphalia. This is probably because it is the most populated state in Germany. A lot of the music was similar to music in America; there were artists such as Lady Gaga, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Mike Posner. Some stations were only in German and others were mixed with English and German music. Some contrasting features included the presences of several techno stations, which arent common in America (at least not in MN) and the language of some songs, I was lucky enough to catch a song with lyrics like this: IM HIGH, IM DRUNK, IM ALL F***ed UP! That language certainly doesnt appear in American radio.

Overall, the German radio stations were similar to the American stations, and one could certainly find a station in Germany that sounded like an American Station. A lot of the music has the same "sound" that is current and popular right now. The only big differences that I noticed was the spoken language and the lack of censorship that would be found in America.

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